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BIOS chip keeps frying

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Ok, a few weeks ago I tried to flash to the 704-2bt or whatever modd'd bios in the BIOS factory forum.. After I did that.. my PC would't boot.. i tried to hotflash the chip in another DFI Lanparty board.. the chip was dead.


I got another chip and I hotflashed it in the other DFI board I have and I flashed it to 6.23 .. that worked fine.. well I had to give the chip back to it's rightful owner.. and I got another replacement chip for my board.. I put it in.. it had the 3.23 or whatever original bios on it.. well I tried to flash it to the 6.23 .. I put it on a floppy.. rebooted and the floppy had an autorun file on it.. the flash process went fine.. completed.. i hit F1 to reboot.. and bam.. PC dead..


SOOOOO... I GET ANOTHER exact same chip.. this time I try to hotflash it... it flashes fine yadda yadda.. put it in my board.. nothing happens..


What the hell!!!


When I originally updated the bios for my board I put the files in the root of C: and I used a boot disk to get into dos and then ran the awdflash and the .bin from C: and that flashed fine..


What do you guys think is up? this original 3.xx bios is such trash..



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