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Comp wont boot anymore

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Hey guys, as in the title my computer wont boot anymore :( A few hours ago my comp froze on me while playing a game, I tried to alt-tab out or close the application but nothing worked, so i just turned off my computer. When I tried to turn it back on It wouldn't do anything. I opened up the case and saw the Standby Power LED thats below my pci ports flashing, I dont know if thats normal or not, just throwing it out there. I've had this computer since august and nothing like this has ever hapened, any help would be appreciated, thanks.

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The first thing I would do is verify my power supply is still functioning correctly. Grab a digital multimeter and check your voltage rails. If your 12v/5v/3.3v all look in spec. I'd try resetting your CMOS and see what happens. Also, don't overlook silly stuff, double check all of your power plug ins and make sure none have worked loose.

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Well so far I'ver tried clearing the CMOS using the instructions from here:



Still wont boot up. Is there any other way to verify if my psu is working right, since i dont own a multimeter? If thats the only way can i get one of these at a local electronics store for a fairly cheap price?


Thanks again for any help.

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So no fan spinup? No diag LED's on?

Try the below procedure to see if you can jumpstart your PSU. (not connected to motherboard or drives)




Right, I get no response at all, no lights or anything, only constant is the blinking standby power LED. I'm a little weary of jumpstarting my psu, i'm not much of a hands on electronics guy, but anyways i'll sleep on it and see what happens tomorrow.

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I would try this one thing before rma'ing the board. Put one stick of memory in the orange slot furtherest from the cpu and then do exactly as indicated below. Failing at below; rma the board.



Using SAFE BOOT jumper JP-1...Just below bios chip.


System powered OFF> remove the power cord from power supply.


Set JP-1 to pins 2 and 3 for about 30 seconds. Then put JP-1 back to pins 1 and 2.


Replug power cord to power supply and power up the system. System should reboot

without losing all stored CMOS data.


I have done this once when nothing else worked and it allowed booting...



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I would try this one thing before rma'ing the board. Put one stick of memory in the orange slot furtherest from the cpu and then do exactly as indicated below. Failing at below; rma the board.



Using SAFE BOOT jumper JP-1...Just below bios chip.


System powered OFF> remove the power cord from power supply.


Set JP-1 to pins 2 and 3 for about 30 seconds. Then put JP-1 back to pins 1 and 2.


Replug power cord to power supply and power up the system. System should reboot

without losing all stored CMOS data.


I have done this once when nothing else worked and it allowed booting...





Well I got up this morning and tried that method, theres still no response at all. Anyone know the easiest way to see whats broken?, ie if its my psu or my mobo. I really dont want to rma something that works just fine.

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