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Need a new Chipset fan

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The chipset fan is making growling noises and needs to be replaced. I called DFI about it & they wanted me to send them the board but I told them it was in a working system and I needed them to send me a new fan. They said they'd get one out but it's been a week & it didn't come.


I think I'm going to have to assume it'll be a long time if ever that it gets here. DFI in a fit of stupidity put the fan just a few millimeters under the video card so I can't buy just any chipset fan & for sure passive cooling is out of the question.


Any idea of an excellent fan that will fit on this board? I do need it before this fan dies.


I am water cooling the processor but it's a 1/2" ID hose I'm using.



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This has been asked too many times. Use the search function.


As far as solutions go, people have been using the Evercool chipset fan. I, myself have been using the Vantec Iceberq without problems, and clearance issues. It gives me a lot of room underneath the video card still, so it's okay. It's an all copper one, lapped really well, so it makes perfect contact. It's something worth looking into.

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look in the modifications section, there are at least three threads on this topic


the evercool VC-RE and the Vantec Iceberg are the favorites


First thing is thank you all for replying.


Anything including a vaccum cleaner would be quiter than this chipset fan has become in the last 3 weeks. It sure looks like DFI has chosen a lemon for a fan since so many people are having the exact same kind of problem with their fans. If it was a car part, there would be a recall about now... DFI should be embarassed to put out a great board with such a cheap component...


I can hear this fan in every room in the house with the door closed to the computer room andthe mobo is only one month old.


Truly a cheap quality part...


I've been looking at the Icebergs and I can't tell which model to get as none of them show they'll work with this chipset on this DFI lanparty UT nF4 sli-dr motherboard. I can't move the video card to the lower slot as I have cards in the PCI slots and the video's fan will get in the way.


While I look around for reviews on the Evercool VC-RE, does anyone know which of the 3 Vantec Iceberg models work on my mobo?



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ive just fitted a zalman passive cooler on mine,just the same temps as the stock fan maybe slightly less and no noise:


No noise is a wonderful thing.


Since I'm OCing two cores a fair amount & running BOINC 24/7, I've had some pretty high temps showing in SmartGuardian as far as PWMIC & Chipset so I'm wanting to lower the temps if possible. I'm using one of the smaller radiators & it's mounted inside so I don't know how well a smaller passive heatsink would do.


If it's working for you though, that's fantastic.


I'm setting up my old 2600 Mobile with a remote radiator & Iwaki Pump, my Cascade & the NF7 mobo has a fairly large (But Aluminum) passive heatsink. I won't be OCing it much if at all. I need a dead silent system for my recording studio. If I can still hear the HD running in that case then I'm thinking about finding out how to connect it to this computer as in a LAN so I can eliminate the hard drive & use it as a terminal. Maybe a wireless router will allow me to do that? Dunno, I'll have to read up on what's reality.

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Sadly using the lower slot is not always an option. It's not an option in my case.


I have a studio sound card and a dial-up modem in the 2 PCI slots. I have to put the sound card in the top PCI slot (There's only 2 PCI slots...) so that the harness will attach to the I/O of the soundcard. (When it's in the bottom slot the harness won't attach thanks to the Antec Case blocking the female connector from making full contact). With the sound card in the top PCI slot, the heatsink from the MSI 6800 contacts the soundcard if I have it in the lower slot.


Everything's just too compressed on the mobo so I have no choice but to leave the video card in the top slot.

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