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BSOD; inaccessible_boot_device after new install.

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Having just finished my new install of win2k-sp4 raid0 with slipstreamed disk, windows won't load; I get bsod with "inaccessible_boot_device".


Anyone any ideas? I've heard that some NVraid drivers can cause a problem, does any one know about this?

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When you built your RAID array did you make the RAID array bootable when you were in the RAID setup menu?


After you got Windows installed, did you go back into BIOS and set your hard drive as the first boot device and move SCSI to the top of the list in "other bootable devices"?

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Thanks for reply Wevsspot.


I don't think I made it bootable, but it's showing in NVRAID (f10) as bootable. You think I should re-do?


All boot devices apart from hard disk are disabled, and hard disk boot priority is

Scsi-0 NVIDIA STRIPE etc as it should be.


Can't find "other bootable devices" in my bios...


Also, I can get half way into windows safemode. It starts to load the files for a few seconds then bsod.


Any further ideas before I, gulp, re-do my install?

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Just reloaded windows and this time it worked!!!?????? WHAT THE?


Welcome to software raid and Windows :). I think by the next revision of SATA controllers and Windows drivers, they'll have it pretty much down.


Glad to see you got it all working...perhaps you could type up a quick howto for others who have old Win2k media?

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