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Need help FAST GSkill F1-4000usu2 or F1-3200usu2


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Hi everyone, sorry for a request for fast help, but I'm not good enough at math to figure this out myself.


I am buying RAM in _two_ hours (before leaving to return my current kit to Fry's) and can't tell which is better! I'm not good at converting latency with speed. They're about the same price


I have a LP NF4 SLI-D, and I'm not an overclocker, though I'm going to try to learn.


GSkill F1-4000usu2 (This is faster, but higher latency)

info http://gskill.com/f1-4000usu2-2gbhz.htm

newegg http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?...N82E16820231021


GSkill F1-3200usu2 (This is slower, but lower latency)

info http://gskill.com/f1-3200usu2-2gbhs.htm

newegg http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?...N82E16820231020


I've bought the wrong RAM twice now, and I really want to make the best decision this time, so THANK YOU very much for helping!



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Thanks Sharp! Mathematically, can I just add up the timings, then multiply by 3200 and divide by 4000 (ratio of speed) to compare vs. the added timings of 3200?


IE (3+4+4+8)x4000hz/3200hz=15.2 versus (2.5+3+3+6)=14.5 ???


I don't doubt your recommendation, I'm just not getting the math right.

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