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Opteron 148 OR 150 OR AMD Athlon 64 4000+ OR DUAL CORE??


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Still need a CPU to complete my rig!!

I wanted to buy this one: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?...N82E16819103596



BUT NOW i am debating whether i should add a little extra cheese and go for the 150 for $311





4000+ for $334: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?...N82E16819103529




I am hearing that dual cores are really not good for gaming so i think i will stick to single core procs, unless otherwise advised by the DFS expert community ;)


I will be gaming + multimedia stuff ( TV / BURNING MEDIA / DVDs )


What do you guys think? Just stick to the 148? or demand MORE!


Drop a quickie ;p





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I would go dual-core.


The actual problems with games reported can be fixed, see various threads.


It is true that single-threaded games don't speed up except for the minor improvement from possibly multithreaded drivers.


But multithreaded games are coming along much faster than anybody expected, so for most of the lifetime of your new rig you will enjoy a big advantage.

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