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boot problem with ultra-d (LEDs)

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EDIT3: I tried to check the LEDs with no video card plugged in (due to a suggestion by my friend), and now my power button doesnt even work. I press the button and nothing happens. (Post #14/#15)


EDIT2: I did a 24hr CMOS clear, and my BIOS was still not sent to my monitor. (Post #12)


EDIT: READ down to post #9 by me. I tried the Proper CMOS method, and it didn't work. I now have a blank CMOS, and I can't see my BIOS.


OK... I have pretty much had this problem for months now... I never posted anything about it because it wasn’t that big of a deal to me, but today I have spent over an hour and a half trying to boot up my comp, but it won’t start up. I have this problem EVERYDAY NO MATTER WHAT, but my comp will boot up within 5-15 mins.


OK! So here is the problem:


I press my power button. Like a normal comp, the fans start out real loud. On a normal computer, within a few seconds, the fans will slow down, and the computer will start up. The DFI logo will pop up, etc., but mine doesn’t do that. There are a variety of things that happen to me. They all seem to have to do with the LEDs on the bottom right of the motherboard. I've noticed that when there are 3 or 4 LEDs on, the comp's fans are loud, but once it reaches 2, 1, or 0, the comp fans go to normal speed. I am sure this is normal for everyone. People press their power button, and it goes from 4 to 3 to 2 (fans slow down) to 1, etc. However, one thing mine will do is stay on 3. It will stay on 3 and the 4th light will be flashing on and off. IF it was stuck on 3 I would believe my RAM was the problem, but it doesn’t... Eventually it will go to 2 (fans slow down) and then to 1. At this point a normal computer's monitor will turn on, but this is my main problem. NOTHING GETS TRANSFERED TO MY MONITOR!!! I think nothing gets sent because it took so long to go from 3 to 2 to 1, etc. SO what I do at this point on a normal day is hold down my power button and try again. I've noticed a pattern: if it doesn’t go from 4 to 3 to 2 to 1 real quick, it will not send anything to my monitor. So if I see it staying on 3 and 4 for awhile I will hold down my power button for x seconds until it powers down, and then I will try again. Usually after about 5-15 minutes of trying something gets sent to my monitor, and my computer starts up. This happens after the LEDs go quickly from 4 to 1. And at 1, my NVIDIA bios screen pops up and then my DFI logo screen. Commonly, after the DFI screen another black screen with writing comes up and tells me to press F1 to continue and DEL to enter setup. I think this is caused by the many power restarts that I do before actually starting up my computer. I can't remember the exact message, but I think it had something to do with my CPU. (I really don't think my CPU could be the problem). Now let me explain why... Earlier, I said that a normal computer will go to 1 and then transfer stuff to the monitor, and mine doesn't do this. However, in the past I had let it stay at 1 with nothing transferred to my monitor and I have heard Windows start up. I don't think Windows can start up without my processor working. Since Windows works, but nothing is on my monitor, I am starting to think it is my video card.


HOWEVER... Today I started at 3:20 PM and went on turning on and off my computer for over an hour and a half, and nothing was still sent to my computer.


I really think my problem is either my video card or my motherboard, but I don't know what to believe. I think it could be my video card because the first screen that usually shows up on my monitor isn't the DFI logo, but it is some NVIDIA bios thingy that I said before.


ANYWAYS, another reason I never posted on this is because it is a pretty hard problem to explain, and I don't really know if anyone could understand me. If you need help understanding my problem, please ask questions. I know I am not the best story teller, so I will try to fill the gaps I left with questions you have of my story.


By the way, if anyone was wondering why or when this started happening... It has been happening for months now. I don't remember doing a significant event that made it happen. I think it just started happening randomly... I have no idea!


I really feel that I am going to need to "RMA" my motherboard.


Thanks in advance for your help!!!

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Have you tried going for a cmos clear? Or even tried reseating your video card? Have you tried starting up the computer with bare minimum? At this point, we need to get it to post and actually display something. So, try that stuff i recommended first.


Adding official cmos clear: http://www.dfi-street.com/forum/showpost.p...04&postcount=24 (from no post)

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I think I am suffering from information overload on this one :)


Firsat question:


Did this rig ever work properly, or was it like this from the initial build?


I agree with Reinvented. Let's start with a CMOS clear


Then we can go from there


Post back results

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#2 Yea I wish I had a PCI video card. I'll have to call up some friends and see if they have one or something... I have tried reseating the video card but nothing happens. I haven't tried the CPU and seriously reseating the CPU is a pain because I have this large XP-120, and it wasn't too fun getting it on in the first place :P.


#3 I did a normal CMOS clear (not like the one the link leads to), and the LEDs still stayed on 3 and 4 for a bit. However, when they moved onto 2 and 1 it happened a lot faster now. Before it was like 3..............2......1..... Now its like 3..............2...1...... Also, what do you mean by starting my computer with bare minimum? Yea, I agree I really need to get my comp to display something :(.


#4 HEHE I know its a lot of information AHAHAH! I just needed to explain it thoroughly!!! When I first made this comp 6 months ago it wasn't like this. It happened in the last 3 months.


I guess I am going to have to do the "proper Clear CMOS" method. I know this sucks, but I got a lot of homework I need to do right now. ( I'm only a junior in high school :( ), so I'll have to do the CMOS clear thing tomorrow. I hope that's ok. I'll post back tomorrow after I try it (if any of you kind people would like to help me again :D). Thanks a lot for all your help I'll be back tomorrow with the results!!!! (by the way, you guys responded so quick!!)

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OK OK! I'm eager to try it now!!! I started looking at the post and I am lost :(. Can someone explain these steps to me:


"Move the PC Speaker jumper to the ON position.


Remove the Battery."


What is the PC Speaker Jumper? and what battery?!??!

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OK OK! I'm eager to try it now!!! I started looking at the post and I am lost :(. Can someone explain these steps to me:


"Move the PC Speaker jumper to the ON position.


Remove the Battery."


What is the PC Speaker Jumper? and what battery?!??!



see the manual, or the manual on dfi's website for pictures


But the speaker jumper is on the bottom right of the board

The battery is a 1" diameter silver thingy on the bottom right corner of the board

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Alright well I finally followed the steps on the CMOS link. I did everything correctly, and I got to these steps:


"When you hear the BEEP, release the Insert Key and press the Delete Key on the Keyboard.


Once you enter the BIOS set the DATE and TIME then Load Optimized Defaults."


I heard the BEEP and let go of the insert key. I then pressed the delete key, and the beep went away. The next thing didn't happen.... Nothing got sent to my monitor once again.


For some reason I feel I am more screwed now than I was before. Now I have a totally cleared CMOS and I can't see my BIOS :(.


I don't know what to do now :(. I think I need a new motherboard or something.... Any more suggestions? Thanks again!

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