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Memory to Choose after RMA.


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Hello DFI'ers, I'm seeking the help of the memory guru's here that are familiar with the compatability of NF4 boards, to recommend a few suggestions to choose from www.zipzoomfly.com. The reason I'm looking for guidance, is that I chose to RMA the kit of 1GB Corsair Value Ram, due to my own problems and what I read here on the boards about it. I'm basically looking for ram that is compatible and when it's time to overclock, overclocks good/well. Thanks in advance.


P.S. I'm looking to spend a extra 30-40$ at most, the kit I purchased from ZZF was 74.19. So the most I would like to spend is in the $100-110 range, as I would have to add the extra to it.

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If you want the zip (damn newegg and their UPS lovers :)).


Hm, that's tough, they don't have much.


I'd say two of these (Geil):



The Mushkins probably work fine, too. They are cheaper but timings are much worse than the Geil:


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