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Computer Shutdown...

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Hullo and b4 I begin, yes, I'm a noob ;) - at least to DIY PC building... I'm in the biz of selling and playing with PC for a long time... but this time I wanted a really mean rig, so I decided to order all the nice parts...


My problem is this.

sometimes, not alwyas, when in 3D games - the computer shuts down!

It doesn't crash, it doesn't show blue screen or anything, it simply shuts down in the middle of the game - to complete power off state.


It can work WEEKS without shutting dowm as long as I dont play these games. I can use giant files in photoshop or Freehand, or plat any 2D game I want...


Once I start a 3D game, I got about 30-60 minutes before the shutdown. If I reboot and launch the game immediately, this time shortens to 5-10 minutes max.


FYI - it happens in several games (I mainly play WOW, HL2, CS and Splinter Cell).

Of course I thought about Heating, but my fans seem fine. I thought about the LeadTek Graphic card but then I saw this thread here, about this guy with the same problem.

:confused: :confused: :confused:

He discovered that his 12V Voltage was dropping, and when it went down to about 10V, the PC shut down.... However, he changed the PS and the problem was still there.

So I used the SmartGuardian software that comes with the Mobo and sure enough, my 12V started climbing down after 1 hour of play.. and Boom!


I'm very proud of myself for detecting this - but quite stumped as to where do I go from here... That other guy was replied that it might be a bad Mobo. You think that is my case aswell?


Is there some other way to test this? could it be some faulty connection? something not plugged right? (though I doubt it would invoke problems just in 3D games...)


please please help me - I ordered all the parts from different places, and I dont want to start RMAing my machine all over the planet! :)


One more thing: My PC is not tweaked for OCing or anything like that - at least not to my knowledge...




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1st of all, it was the fastest reply ever, so thanks!

now I wanna be sure I understood: u DID mean try just the CPC=2T first, and if that doesn't help, do the DIVIDER thinige, right?

Cuz, I did - and the PC shut down 5 minutes after I started the game (Again, the 12V Voltage lowered to 10V). So, now I put the DDR166(%:06) - but should I return the CPC to 1T, or doesn't it matter?


One more thing that bugs me - if it's CPU vs. memmory conflict - how come it happens just in 3D games?? I can open ten heavy tasks on this machine easily, and I can eat the memmory completely, and it will never happen. just in 3D games...


Anyhow, I'm off to see if the DRAM Freq Set divider helps, I will let you know. thanks...


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Well, changing boh the CPC to 2T and the DRAM Freq Set to 166 (5:06) - seemed to work, but after 1 hour, the 12V Voltage dropped again.


Any ideas? What can it be? It still only happens in 3D games... might it be related to my LeadTek 7800 ?


pls pls help!

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Better PSU ?!?!?!

I can try that, but I really don't think this is it -


first, If u read this thread:



you will see several ppl had this problem - and it wasn't the PSU...

2nd, what's wrong with SEVENTEAM ???

I dunno if they are very popular in the US - but SEVENTEAM is not a poor manufacturer!!

They offer a very proffesional and reliable (and costly too) PSU !!


About the fact you oculdn't find the specs on the net - you sohuld've tried the manufactuer's website :) (as it is sold under different OEM names worldwide)

the link below is directly to my 550W EAJ model



these are the specs:




------------------ MIN(A) MAX(A) ------ LOAD LINE

+5V -------------- 1.5 ----- 30 ---------- ±5% ±1%

+3.3V ------------ 0.5 ----- 30 ---------- ±5% ±1%

+12V1 ------------ 1.5 ---- 18 ---------- ±5% ±5%

+12V2 ------------ 1.5 ----- 18 --------- ±10% ±1%

-12V --------------- 0 ----- 0.5 --------- ±10% ±1%

+5VSB ------------- 0 ----- 2.0 ---------- ±5% ±1%


I'm no electrician - but this all seem quite good no?


Please, I will try replacing it to a Channelwell Technology KMG series (I can get my hands on 1 for free, I think) - which should be proffesional aswell. But can u think of something else?? I really don't think it's the PSU....


Also, is there an APP that can show me the GPU heat in the middle of the game? I use the NVIDIA Gforce dirver, and I have to open the properties page to see it, kind of bugs me...


Begging for a miracle solution,


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clawhammer cpu cores can have problems with 4x512 and 2x1024

try Command Per Clock (CPC) @ 2T first, and then try divider DDR166 (5:06)


CPC = disable for 2T, enabled for 1T

DRAM Freq Set = memory divider


Well, I tried the CPC disable - didn't work.

then I tried the DRAM freq set - didn't work.


then it occured to me, maybe I should have re-enable the CPC to 1T, and only then try Memmory Divide DDR166 (5:06)...

I did it, and it seems to work...


I don't know what I did, just followed AngryGames advice and applied some triel-n-error to it...


I hope I'm in the clear...


Can someone please explain to me in plain english what exactly did I do? :rolleyes: and why did it fail the 1st time (166DDR with CPC=2T) and worked the 2nd time (166DDR with CPC=1T)


or if u can point me to the right direction...


and one note: When I bought my Rig, I just wanted a hot machine to run games at highest detail level and high resolution. Now, after reading some threads and talking to you guys, it really drove me into finding out more about how the stuff really works and what I can do with it....


So I guess I'm happy (sort of) that all this happened - as I wouldn't have discovered all this if my PC ran smoothly form get-go.


This is an awesome forum / website !

keep on rocking in the world!! :)

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