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AMDX2 + WIN64 + ATI + Gaming Issues ( FIXED! )

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Been on lots of forums trying to get my gaming issues resolved..

Everyone had a different "fix", although the most prevelent seemed

to be the "affinity" fix.. That seemed to work on only a few games.. Tried

everthing else, including tweaking my ram timing and so forth.

Anyways, I was on ATI's site on friday and noticed they had a new driver

set out.. Catalyst 5.12 for Win64 Pro.. I didn't get too excited as that never

seemed to help, we won't even go into the "Catalyst or Not" debate..

Like i said, wasn't too excited until I read the release notes:

Catayst® for Windows XP Professional x64 Edition introduces dual core support..


Humm.. So I uninstalled my old ( 5.11, with the non-catalyst control panel )

Installed the new 5.12 WITH Catalyst..


Everything works great !... Havent had to do the "affinity" deal or use the

2000 launcher which i was using just to get some of my games to work!


Anyone using an AMD Dual Core processor with an ATI card and having

simular problems to what I've described, giver 'er a try.. Worked great for me!

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as a small note, the new 81.95 drivers for Nvidia gpu's have the same sort of 'dual core cpu' fix as the new CAT drivers, and I have had zero issues with any game since updating to them for my 7800GTX on the X2 4400+




hopefully both the ATI and Nvidia drivers that have new dual-core cpu enhancements will fix a lot of the issues that aren't fixed by the MS hotfix and AMD cpu driver

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as a small note, the new 81.95 drivers for Nvidia gpu's have the same sort of 'dual core cpu' fix as the new CAT drivers, and I have had zero issues with any game since updating to them for my 7800GTX on the X2 4400+




hopefully both the ATI and Nvidia drivers that have new dual-core cpu enhancements will fix a lot of the issues that aren't fixed by the MS hotfix and AMD cpu driver

Locky good for you, but for me... too bad. I installed lastest ForceWare drivers and not fixed nothing. :(

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