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Right Bios Settings 4 GEIL Ultra-X

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I have this RAM:

2x512 GEIL Ultra-X PC3200 CL 2-2-2-5 (GLX1GB3200DC)


What are the right bios settings 4 this ram? At the moment i have all settings at auto and they works at


(from Everest)


CAS Latency (CL) 2T

RAS To CAS Delay (tRCD) 3T

RAS Precharge (tRP) 2T

RAS Active Time (tRAS) 5T

Row Cycle Time (tRC) 7T

Row Refresh Cycle Time (tRFC) 14T

Command Rate (CR) 1T

RAS To RAS Delay (tRRD) 2T

Write Recovery Time (tWR) 2T

Read To Write Delay (tRTW) 3T

Write To Read Delay (tWTR) 2T

Write CAS Latency (tWCL) 1T

Refresh Period (tREF) 200 MHz 15.6 us

DQS Skew Control Deaktiviert

DRAM Drive Strength Normal

DRAM Data Drive Strength 1 (50% Reduction)

Max Async Latency 6 ns

Read Preamble Time 5.0 ns

Idle Cycle Limit 256

Dynamic Idle Cycle Counter deaktivated

Read/Write Queue Bypass 16

Bypass Max 7

32-byte Granularity deaktivated

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and they works


Key phrase is "works"!!! Why do you want to mess with what "works"? If you want to mess with what works then you need to do yourself some serious reading and studying so that you do not create for yourself a "not work" condition.



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GeIL release a couple of versions for Ultra-X PC3200 modules, some with TCCD and others with UTT chips. Both can be OC'd resonably well but obviously require a different approach.


Check the back of the Modules and see what PN number is there | PN1243 will be UTT modules and so can be pushed with a higher Vdimm while keeping low lats.

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