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Tips for overclocking using OCZ Platinum PC4800?


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I recently purchased this RAM and I am unable to get it above 255FSB, and it only seems to run CAS3 timings. I cannot boot at higher FSB speeds or more aggressive timings. I have tried both 2.8V and 2.9V Vdimm.


Any tips for RAM settings in BIOS? Should I have DRAM drive strength set to something? I believe this RAM uses hand-picked TCC5 chips and is guaranteed to hit 300FSB @ 2.5-4-4-10

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My 4800s would only do 1T to about 255 2.5-3-3-7 and easily managed 320 2.5-4-4-8 2T. I also had to set the drive strenght to weak, Im not sure if your m/b has this allowance. Also 2.8-2.9v should be regarded as max voltage for this TCC5. When replacing RAM, go into bios and set to optimised and reboot, then adjust settings...the reason is that the m/b will hang on to some previously used settings used on other RAM, some even say to remove battery and ccmos 1st which makes sense.


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I have too OCZ Platinum 4800, rev. 1.0.

I have too many problem keep DDR stable at 300Mhz, 2.5-4-4-10 (1 or 2T)


The first thing i see is the Tref is a big imortant value to set. some work at 250 Mhz other only when you push at 280Mhz. The other thing other peoples have tell me, this is the memory controller of the Newcastle ( i have a 3500+) seems fail at 300 mhz. Or the FSB of my CPU can work at 320Mhz easy. I have test it with the DDR set at 166 - 180Mhz on asynchro speed. no problem.


The other thing seems be a strange thing with different bios and yellow/orange slots. I have make a try with the yellow slot and bios 510-2FIX.


Where i can't enter memtest on the Orange slot and bios 623-1 or 623-3 at 300Mhz. I can enter at 302Mhz on DDR ( 604Mhz) and make run the memtest with similar settings. Only thing i got errors after 10 pass of test 5. I can boot in windows but i think it will drop and reboot after some minutes. I m not sure for the moment if i can use this DDR at 600Mhz with my 3500+ Newcastle.. If someone have a idea.


But i will tell this DDR is incredibly good at 270-280Mhz the bandwith is really great, i can have 8000Mb/s on READ test on Everest 2.2.




---- EDIT ----


I have do this test again: First with only one DDR in first Yellow slot and i flash bios with the 510T1. It boot and enter memtest, for save time i put the second in 2th slot yellow.


I begin with a 301x7, The memtest in full give me no error, then i make run the memtest 5 during one hour without error. I push at 301x9 = 2710MHZ a speed my CPU can easy keep stable but with a high voltage, 1.86Vmin.



Tref: 4708, 2.5-5-5-10 and then 2.5-4-4-10 ( 2T for boot the first time, then 1T).


Major part of other setting is on auto...


I try boot windows like the OC give me not errors at all.


And begin the problem... Each time i enter Windows, the PC reboot just at the moment of the desktop is available. I trhink the CPU ( pehraps the voltage) will not or can't be stable at this moment, i use SLI so...

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My 4800s would only do 1T to about 255 2.5-3-3-7 and easily managed 320 2.5-4-4-8 2T. I also had to set the drive strenght to weak, Im not sure if your m/b has this allowance. Also 2.8-2.9v should be regarded as max voltage for this TCC5. When replacing RAM, go into bios and set to optimised and reboot, then adjust settings...the reason is that the m/b will hang on to some previously used settings used on other RAM, some even say to remove battery and ccmos 1st which makes sense.




Ok, I will try that.


For DRAM drive strenght I have 0,1,2,3,4, auto....I guess 0 is "weak"?


Are there any preferred slots to have them in? I'm using 1 and 3 right now.

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You're not talkin' "apples + apples" here - two different platforms, kreepindeth = nF3, Lane =nF4!


kreepindeth, I'd suggest the TicTac modded 5-4 bios, since you've got a Powerstream 520 PSU, so you can take advantage of the adjustable rails in the future is you want. Go here;




Then d/l the center bios at the top of the table.


I'd also suggest taking a look at what folks have posted in the 754 O/C Database for what's worked for others on this board!

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maybe you should READ THE RULES before you post anything at this or any forum...


Well Angry I think your point was made w/out the comment; however I have in fact read the rules but made a mistake so please accept my humble appologies.

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You're not talkin' "apples + apples" here - two different platforms, kreepindeth = nF3, Lane =nF4!


kreepindeth, I'd suggest the TicTac modded 5-4 bios, since you've got a Powerstream 520 PSU, so you can take advantage of the adjustable rails in the future is you want. Go here;




Then d/l the center bios at the top of the table.


I'd also suggest taking a look at what folks have posted in the 754 O/C Database for what's worked for others on this board!



Where exactly is this? I can't seem to find it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Where is the 754 OC database?


Well I just ran Memtest86 with varying settings...


With timings set to auto (3-3-3-6) :sad: 270FSB


I tried all DRAM drive strengths, I got the least errors in test 5 with DRAM drive strength 1.


I then tweaked the voltage settings, people have told me not to take TCCD/TCC5 above 2.8V, but at 3.0V I was able to get down to 2 erros in Test 5.


However the RAM will still not perform at its rated 300FSB 2.5-4-4 settings, not matter how much I seem to tweak it. Any suggestions? Should I just try and RMA the RAM? I had OCZ VX before this and it kept doing 2-2-2- FSB 250, then after a week or two it would die...after RMAing that twice, I asked to be switched to this RAM. :confused:


Also, I cannot boot at anything over 260FSB no matter what I do. I have HTT set to 3X, I also tried 2X but I cannot even boot out of the DFI logo at that setting.

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