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nvidia lan problem

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Okay, so i've had my board now for 4 months. Today, while in XP, I basically watched my lan connection drop. I had been using the same machine, same router, same OS and software config the whole time and it died right in front of me.


The symptoms are:


1. marvell still works with same cable

2. nvidia lan will give a quick blink every 2 seconds but my router refuses to synch with nvidia lan.


I've tried switching known good cables, different ports on the router, etc. Any idea what have may happend? Again, nothing in my enviroment has changed.



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too funny....


I rebooted, went into bios, exited bios without saving and the Nvidia LAN works. ... oh boy.


I changed nothing at all. I even rebooted many times previous and it wouldn't work. Going into the bios and exiting seemed to fix it.



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