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;) I flashed to the 623-3 bios (to support 4000 sandy) and have had problems ever since. After a bunch of BSODs I got the memory to work (put it all to auto which IT SHOULD HAVE BEEN BY DEFAULT) I got windows loaded. After installing the nvidia drivers everytime I tic the little green nvidia icon the screen go's black for a sec then comes back with the menu, this goes on untill I close the menu. All games run fine above average 3D Mark scores as well. This never happened before mind you.


So to be sure I reinstall windows with out any BSODs. Tried diff drivers and still the problem persists. I know DFI's are picky and all but enough is enough. Been trying to get my gaming rig up for 4 days now. I noticed that the refresh rates that are supposed to be hidden are shown as well. WTF is going on with this MOBO. It must be yet anouther bios function that SHOULD NOT BE ON. If it killed my 7800 I will make sure everyone knows about it ;)


My ASUS A8N SLI Deluxe was a dream to work with compared to this DFI and the MOBO does not even overclock any better or put up better Bench results.


Help or it goes back to Newegg Mon(like so many do, lol)

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When you flashed the bios, did you clear the cmos afterwards? Also, if you had any saved settings in the bios from a previous bios version, those must be deleted and not used. There is an "official" way to flash, do a search and see if that's what you followed.

Why did you go to a DFI board if the Asus was a "dream"? Did you think the DFI was a "Dream" (and a bag of chips)? lol

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I thought the DFI would overclock better than the ASUS...NOT. Anyway the monitor drivers are from windows always have and never had a problem.

Currently the system is not overclocked at all, the ones in the sig are from 310 running a winchester core.


I flashed the bios like you are supposed to, the only thing in question was after the initial reboot after flashing, I went in and loaded optimized defaults. Saved and exit, back in and saved over the #1 cmos reloaded file. I never saved over any of the other 3 simply becouse I never made a save to any of them. Upon from that I saved and exited and shut down wile the splash screen was shown(what stealth17 told me). Now I think you are supposed wait untill it backs up the cmos and begins to boot before one shuts down. Then reset Cmos :confused:

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I am new here, but I can say this. I am swapping my Asus A8N SLI Del for a DFI mobo. In EVERY reputable testing organization the DFI not only outperformed the competition but outperformed them at stock settings. The Asus mobo's, for the longest time, were king of overclocking. However the A8N is the WORST. Go past 110% on fsb or dramm and it resets the other to auto. The problems i see here are ppl who don't read the manual, try to run the snot out of their boxes or use products that aren't compatable. I am looking forward to my new DFI, which will be this morning :) , and tweaking it. Cya on the flip.

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Are these the sticks you have ?


I'll have a set of these in a few days.. Even though we have different cpu's once I get them I will try to suggest some timings for you to try..


Ive heard they are doing pretty good for some.. But the bad thing is some of these kits are coming with different chips on them.. Some come with CE-6 and some come with BE-5.. The CE-6 seems to be clocking good and the BE-5 isnt .. The problem is that the ONLY way to know this for sure is to removed the heat spreaders and this will void the warranty..


As far as Asus mobo's clocking more.. well that just aint true.. I like Asus boards but they are more plain and dont have all the bios options to take it very far.. They are very stable mobo's and usually dont require any tweaking which is good for someone that doesnt want to take the time to tweak..


Ill let you know when I get that ram..

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Guest Spartacus

So did you try flashing back to whatever BIOS version was working perfectly before?


I honestly don't see any BIOS version causing the issue you are describing. Sounds much more like vid card drivers or maybe a flakey vid card.


Did you try running the 7800 at stock clocks?


I've seen reports of goofy stuff with 7800's, but that has not been tied with any particular brand of mobo.

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I've read on different sites that DFI boards "are not for beginners", "difficult to configure". Other then my own stupid mistake of not booting my cable modem before switching the cable to my new computer the DFI board has been a dream to set up and get running. I'm a customer for life.

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I fixed the problem..No thanx to anyone that replied, lol :P I was talking about a problem with a black screen, not memory timing upon bootup ect :rolleyes:


Anyway what was the fix... I turned the monitor off for 10sec then back on. Fixed the problem with the refresh rates as well :D


As far as the mem..It hits [email protected] timings with 2.5volts and will go higher but never pushed the memory past 280.

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Guest Spartacus

So let me get this straight....


We've gone from, "WTF is going on with this MOBO. It must be yet anouther bios function that SHOULD NOT BE ON."




"I turned the monitor off for 10sec then back on. Fixed the problem..."


Interesting. :rolleyes:

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Well, there was alot more to it. Like flashing the bios 4 times, messing with ram, reinstalling windows 5 times and many hours of trial and error.


Yes there was bios settings in 623-3 that should NEVER be set to those settings upon first boot up..PERIOD.


Most of it I fixed myself (well actually ALL of it) but turned to the forums for some help... :confused:

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