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Upgrading rig..need some bios advice


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Need some input on the following..


I'm upgrading my rig, and need to know if the following changes require a bios flash..I'm reluctant to do it since I've never done it, and have heard that flashing could mess with things...




1. OCZ 2 gigs (2x 1g) platinum





2. Evga 7800gtx KO





I'm using the 310 bios without any issues. (had probs getting my system to post originially) Is there any need for me to flash? I've read the flashing guide, doesn't seem hard, anything I need to make sure to do? And is it really going to make a difference if i flash to any other Bios?


Thanks in advance :nod:

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You can try using WinFlash, this works in Windows. I tried that yesterday nite, very smooth & easy. And I would suggest you to flash the latest BIOS, 704-2BTA. They are really good.


Can you see my sig at the bottom? I cannot see anything from my side. Thanks.

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You should not NEED to flash to get those to work.


If you want to flash start with the latest official DFI BIOS, 6/23-3. The others are beta and can void your warranty if someothing goes wrong. If you understand that and feel the need or desire then by all means use one of them. :)

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You should not NEED to flash to get those to work.


If you want to flash start with the latest official DFI BIOS, 6/23-3. The others are beta and can void your warranty if someothing goes wrong. If you understand that and feel the need or desire then by all means use one of them. :)


If I were to flash would there be any performance increase?


Anybody have problems installing this memory in their rig? Have bios issues?


Also, where did the FAQ on flashing go? Can't seem to find... :D

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I've the same RAM and it works fine with stock settings on both 6/23 and 704-2BTA bios'.


As Boppo said its probably better to start with the latest official bios (The 6/23) from the DFI website


Ok, sweet. I guess I should flash to 6-23 then. Anybody have any suggestions or know where to get the FAQ on flashing went? I have never done it before, would like to have a guide. I'll probably be using winflash, anybody have probs, comments on winflash?

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