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N4 Sli-dr

fst h2o

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I am planning on building the rig in my signature, and am wondering if anyone here sees any problems with my planned build. I hope to overclock a bit (I've never tried it before) and will be using the PC mainly for gaming.

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Well be aware that you can control almost anything on the DFI.....with all what that brings...easy to toast a cpu or RAM module if you dont know what you are doing.......i normally advice a more simple board for newcommers...e.g. asus a8n premium...because there are so many options on the DFI that would confuse newcommers...and perhaps scare them away from the OC scene.

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Fragman']Well be aware that you can control almost anything on the DFI.....with all what that brings...easy to toast a cpu or RAM module if you dont know what you are doing.......i normally advice a more simple board for newcommers...e.g. asus a8n premium...because there are so many options on the DFI that would confuse newcommers...and perhaps scare them away from the OC scene.



All looks good! There are newer hard drives but you know this.




If you can read you can use the DFI seriously. The big problem is second rate equipment and pig headedness regarding legacy equipment that is not up to snuff(even if new it was built for old equipment not AMD64).


The Asus is OK if you are not into performance slower at stock speeds and doesnt overclock and no forum like this.

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