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now here's a tough one for you!

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Just got my system together,updated to the newest bios no problem. Installed winxp. Now it will not load xp on startup. it says "disk boot error, insert disk press any key". Now I have installed xp about 3 times now with no problems and then I get this msg on reboot. Also the boot up is really slow. Takes about 1 minute to get to bios screen after hitting del key. and takes and additional three minutes to get from boot screen to that error msg. I've cleared cmos, loaded optimum defaults, tried 1T and 2T(no other dram settings tried except 2.8v for ddr). Tried auto settings for dram and hard drive. drive installs xp perfectly but no load on startup. Its weird. I've also ran mem test86 and it show fine. Voltages show ok in bios. I dont have a lot of hardware(cpu,mb,dvd/rw,hd,vid card) a couple of case fans, thats it, no big drain on psu i dont think. Everything is new except hd and dvd but they worked fine b4. Tried format of hd and everything. I'll try an old 14gig drive later.see if I get same prob. I left all the dram settings at default now but still no go. Hopefully someone can help, thanks.

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Guest Spartacus

Turn off the SATA controllers if you are not using them.


Did you use some kind of utility besides WinXP to partition and format the drive?


Nuke the partition (backup important data first of course) and then re-install XP and allow it to create the system partition and format the drive.

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Guest Spartacus

Give us more detail on exactly what you did.


So the SATA controllers are turned off?


When you "nuked the drive" what did you do?


What I'm talking about is deleting all partitions. If you booted with a Win98 boot disk and ran "FDISK", it should show "no partitions defined". There are other ways to do this, but the Win98 boot disk/FDISK is one of the easiest.


If you are just reformatting the drive using the same system partition, that is NOT "nuking" the drive.

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Guest Spartacus
oh sorry, i formatted fine with ntfs format and turned off sata, still no go.


That's not deleting the partition. Any errors in the partition table won't be fixed by doing an "NTFS format".


Download a Win98 boot disk, run FDISK and delete the "non-DOS" (NTFS) partitions. After FDISK says "no partitions defined", then do the install with XP.



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Guest Spartacus

Ok, that's a head-scratcher then. :confused:


If you are starting with no partitions on the 160G PATA drive, and letting XP do the partition/format that should work fine.


Does your install CD have SP2?


Look at your boot order, you don't have any other CD drives, external USB drives (including flash drives) or anything like that do you?


Just thinking it may be seeing another drive and attempting to boot from it.

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Look at the first pic in link. Does the Sata drive show up down toward the bottom of pic as PHY Internal something?


Look at Pic number 2 in link. Do you see the boot menu choice Hard drive boot priority? PRESS ENTER. And look down at the next picture #3 and ensure you have moved the SATA drive to the TOP for booting to it.


Then go down to Pic #4 and after removeable put HDD and Disable CDROM and boot 'other' device AFTER windows is loaded and if the drive you are using is not dorked with a third party piece of software like EzDrive to allow it to work on an older computer> well you should be able to boot that hard drive with windows on it and as it should be recognized. If not you need to make sure you get the drive makers utility and TEST that drive.



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