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HELP!! Problem with DFI LP SLI-DR+Corsair Twinx2048+X2 4400+...

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I have just bought a new computer, but I have a BIG problem..

EVERY game I tested is freezing after a while or already in the menu, WHY??

It feels like it´s the memory but i dont know, I have tested many diffrent things.

I have not overclocked the system.


My parts is:


DFI Lanparty NF4 SLI-DR

AMD X2 4400+

Corsair Twinx2048 1gbx2 CL2

ASUS GeForce 7800GTX Extreme TOP



I have updated the BIOS.


Im going crazy soon :sad:


Please help me guys...

Very gratefull for answers


Pardon my BAD english.. :)

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Hi again, I have run the memtest now and get this error message:


Test Pass Good Bad Err Bits

5 8 00000f735c8- 15.1mb 00044000 00040000 000040000 1

5 8 00001f735a8- 31.1mb 00044000 00040000 00004000 1

5 11 The same numbers as the first one!

5 11 The same numbers as the second!


So, do you know whats wrong? =)

I have not done any memtest before so i don´t know what this mean =/


Well tnx for helping me.

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Hello Evil Toy,


It's nice to see fellow countrymen every now and then :)


I have the exact same RAM in my SLI-DR. Please take a look at this post http://www.dfi-street.com/forum/showpost.p...40&postcount=42 and review my settings. Make sure that you don't have any "Auto" in you DRAM config, when I try to set "Auto" I get errors. Also, make sure that your DRAM voltage is 2,7 - 2,9v.


Kind regards,


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Hello again guys.


My settings is exactily like "Karl", I did this settings before the memtest with 2.7v

So I will try more V and see what that leads to. BBL



Tnx for the answers.


EDIT: Well i havn´t run the memtest again, but i put the voltage to 2.9v and run a game, but the same fenomen come, could play a while but then it freeze, only thing to do is to restart the computer =/


Mayby if I try to just use one memory and se if it works???

Anymore suggesting?? =)

It´s so sad to buy a new computer and it doesn´t work, just my luck =//


BTW, must ask you guys, Is the CRUCIAL BALLISTIC memory good?

The on i mean is this one: Crucial PC4000 BallistiX DDR 2048MB CL3 Kit w/two matched,2.8V,128Meg x 64,184pi

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Hello again..


Now I tried to put out one memorystick and just use one of them, now everything seems to work out as It should =) So i guess one stick is defect or the slot is on the motherboard.

Well I contacted the store where I bought the memory and they gived me an offer, I can be send a new memory to me, of course the same OR after i asked them, change memoy to this one: Crucial PC4000 BallistiX DDR 2048MB CL3 Kit w/two matched,2.8V,128Meg x 64,184pi


and then put some extra money between. Are that worth It? Is the crucial memory better than the Corsair? Or should I just send back the defect memory and get a new one, same memory??


I must try to change memory now and see if its the slot on the motherboard or the memory..


See ya soon.

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