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Where's my others GB????

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As the title says....someone stolle my GB.... :D


Here's the case...I bought myself a new HDD...Western Digital with 250GB SATA 16M cache...

It's a WD Caviar SE 250 Serial ATA with the part number :- WD2500KS-00MJB0


Well, as i was preparing to install Windows...there it was, no matter what, the only space found in my disc, unpartitioned or not , whatever i do, it´s 130GB :confused:


Can anyone tell me what's going on???? ...sure i can change it in the store...but i would like to know if there's some catch that i'm missing here...



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I think that's not the problem. You see, windows XP without Service pack 1 or 2 supports only disks up to size 137Gb


Windows XP SP1 includes 48-bit LBA support for ATAPI disk drives. With this support, you can use hard disks that are larger than the current 137 GB limit. By default, support is enabled in SP1. To determine if you are running SP1, right-click My Computer and then click Properties. On the General tab, Service Pack 1 will be listed under "System."




I think that the best thing to do is to create yourself a Windows install CD with SP2 integrated. You can do this with nlite program or alternatively you can just partition your disk on, I don't know, one 50Gb partition for windows (I have 30Gb and that's enough for everything) and install them, then you install SP2 and then you'll be able to create another 200Gb partition without problems. That works for me everytime...

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