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Cleaning your NF4 Chipset fan and replacing with AS5 (or other thermal

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Great Guide A_G....man you have some short fingernails.. :)

I enjoyed the video, and i am sure there are many people out there that dont know how to do this, will find it very helpful! I cant say enough good things about this site, keep up the great work you guys do!

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Just because "everyone does it" doesn't make it right... ;)


Seriously though, I was shocked at the roughness of the underside of the fan....it is not a pretty sight.




Yea, I agree.. Guess I was just pointing out that its not just DFI... ;)


The bottom isnt smooth.. But to be honest with a reseat and as5 it does the job fine.. Ive clocked my rig to many different configurations and never seen the chipset break 50c.. Usually its in the mid to upper 40's when loaded..

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cant u use a razor blade to spread out the ac5on the chipset ..or does it have to be a thicker amt ..i always use a razor blade on cpu and video card..


You can and should. Like I said, the only difficult is that the epoxy on the sides might come a bit up over the lip of the chip....


And no, it should not be a thicker amount.

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that is good guide , I have just reapply the TIM with AS5

and now temp 40c(idle) - 44c(load)

drop from 46c(idle) - 50c(load) before reapply

I use stock heatsink and fan.

I just use my finger to pull out the pin, cause I scare scratch the mobo's

very interesting guide and very usefull

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does the Evercool fit without modification? How are thetemps with it


where did you buy it....

Haven't got one yet. This was just recommended to me... Apparently, the fan is queiter (4000 vs 6000+rpm), the clearance is comparable to the standard HS and the temps are a little lower. This is all hearsay at the moment though...

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I read something over at xtreme systems that was saying theres a spire cooler and the vantec iceberq 4 fit with minimal modification.... let me find those







Post 106

I might try that with the spire... order it along with my xp-90 next week... I'll be sure to tell everyone how that works out. I'm also going to try out reapplying the tim on the stock cooler for comparison.... Will start that up tonight :)

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Before AS5: 49 idle, 56 load.... after AS5: 45 idle, 52 load. Not bad, but I am going to try out a spire cooler I think. Maybe try and rig up a fan feeding it some air too, I dont know yet.

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