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NF3 250gb Max HTT?

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Hi guys, I´ve been playing around with several DFI boards (nF2 Infinity, nF2 LP, nF4 SLI-DR, nF4 Ultra-D)


I have had great overclocks with all this boards and now I´m planning a "El Cheapo" mission regarding a Sempron64, I have heard the LP nF3 is a now brainer when dealing with S754.


I wan´t to know what Max HTT should I expect from this board, this way I can pick the Sempron according to it. I will be using DICE and maybe even some LN2 shots so this part is crucial. Also you would help a lot telling me what are the max voltages on vDimm and vCore.


Please pardon me for not using the search feature, but I don´t have much time and the first 3 pages of entries didn´t help.


Greetings! :D

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Hi guys, I´ve been playing around with several DFI boards (nF2 Infinity, nF2 LP, nF4 SLI-DR, nF4 Ultra-D)


I have had great overclocks with all this boards and now I´m planning a "El Cheapo" mission regarding a Sempron64, I have heard the LP nF3 is a now brainer when dealing with S754.


I wan´t to know what Max HTT should I expect from this board, this way I can pick the Sempron according to it. I will be using DICE and maybe even some LN2 shots so this part is crucial. Also you would help a lot telling me what are the max voltages on vDimm and vCore.


Please pardon me for not using the search feature, but I don´t have much time and the first 3 pages of entries didn´t help.


Greetings! :D


Well over 300mhz....vDimm 3.2v...vCore same as your NF4. I have my Sempy 3100+ listed in the OCDB at 315X8................

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  • 5 months later...

I got 360HTT with mine and a Sempron rev.E6.It is a 2600+ Palermo core.It boot on 375 buit it blocked in windows when loading.So I think you can go at elast 360HTT.I have problem with the PSU and it still booted at 375HTT.By the way can't anything be done with that smart fan settings?I hate neterins Speedfan just to se the fan to max.It would be good to include a disabled setting in the BIOS.Thnx and good luck with your overclocking.

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