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  1. it hasnt really even gotten started on the majority of it at 2 mins, its a 14 min vid which of you watched 2 mins so how can you say it was full of crap if you didnt see the more important parts of it? its just 14 mins..... i dont take it as being picked upon i take it as usually when someone doesnt agree with someone elses opinion they are often sarcastic and that fine, i dont take any offense or anything.
  2. you have to see the vid to understand what they meant 50 years ago
  3. how about this lets use dimensions given to people directly by God in the bible and using science that we have only had for maybe the last 50 years say? can some of you take 9 mins out of your time to watch this video? make sure to see the last one God says to do and the end of the video its one of the best. http://thefirmament.net/ theres just the one vid at that link...... please if you dont watch the vid, then dont reply back with any negative things. because if you watch it there isnt anything negative you can say, since it uses the beloved science so many trust right? i see, well it wont be me, im not rude to others even if they choose to be towards me
  4. dont look for the specifications for any computer upgrades you purchase in the future
  5. closed why? because you dont agree with the topic or dont understand?
  6. we already are time traveling, forward every second.
  7. friend you are almost asking the right question in one of the questions you ask...."Why does the bible contain so much anti-scientific nonsense?" <---- this one in the bible God specifically put a few thing in there that we would only be able to discover with science. all of the other questions you ask are easily able to be made sense of but first you have to want to honestly understand the question before judging the question and then have the answer told to you.
  8. so if im replying to people's specific posts with questions in them, thats spam? should i wait till someone else posts then come back and respond to a post then that i could have done earlier?
  9. and if none ask then they dont. maybe you should try asking.
  10. so you agree with what i said after beating around the bush and the assume that we will in time have God like powers? "Science does not operate on blind faith in a higher power." <------ did you not just say this? yet by blind faith you assume in time we will have God like powers? hmmm alrighty then.... im not interested in what that group of people think and yes science supports Gods existence please lets not get on the topic of carbon dating as it is flawed...... ever seen someone take a chicken bone fresh and have it carbon dated? i have the first one said it was around 600 years old and the second opinion said it was around 200..... see something with your own eyes and dont depend on what they tell you on the science channel.
  11. no spam here friend, just waiting for others to show interest in what i mentioned, if none ask for it then i wont. its much better than pics by the way lol
  12. as ive said before, man makes it about religion, religions only exist because men created them. one God does not need any religion, he see's us as individual people and loves us all. God does naturally what people need to learn to do..... love the sinner,hate the sin.
  13. and if i gave you evidence that what is in the bible is true, then that would be firmer grounds for divinely inspired men chosen by God to have written, yes???
  14. i found this in reference to albert einstein's quotes..... not my words someone elses but i agree with it. I think Einstein is referring to the limitations of mathematical physics and his failed attempt of a continuous field theory of matter (i.e. mathematics does not describe reality, only its quantities). However, with a wave structure of matter in space we have further knowledge that Space is a substance with properties of a wave medium. But we are still imagining space based upon our own limited minds and imagination, so in a sense the solution is always incomplete. as i said in another post some things God wants us to learn and know, while other things he keeps from us if he so chooses.
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