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New Quantum Gate Design Realized for First Time


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Quantum computers are coming, but not as soon as some science fiction has predicted because there is still a great deal of technology to be invented. Thanks to researchers at Griffith University and the University of Queensland though, we are a step closer as they have built a quantum Fredkin gate.

Like in modern computers, quantum computers will use logic gates to perform operations, but these gates will utilize quantum phenomena. To construct a large quantum circuit requires a great many smaller logic gates, but integrating so many gates together is difficult. Until now the Fredkin, controlled-SWAP gate has not been made because it would need five logic operators. The researchers overcame this by using photons to implement the operation directly, allowing the Fredkin gate to be built. What the gate does is swap two qubits, depending on the value of a third qubit. It can see use in a variety of algorithms, including Shor's algorithm for factoring large numbers, and can also directly compare two sets of qubits. The latter would be especially useful for secure quantum communications, by testing if two digital signatures are the same.

Source: Griffith University

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