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New Study Examines How Video Games Improve Brain Functions by Type


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Whether people like it or not, video games have an impact on how our brains function and better understanding of this can prove useful. To that end, researchers have recently published an article in the Policy Insights from the Behavioral and Brain Sciences journal from SAGE Publications about the ways different types of games influence our brains.

With such a wide variety of video games, it is important to consider how different types and genres may impact us. As one example, action games that have quick moving targets moving in and out of our vision and require the player to make rapid decisions all appear to improve our attention skills, brain processing, and much more. However total play time can still predict poorer attention in the classroom, and there are behavior impacts beyond our cognitive abilities.

With modern video games so often using principles also used by psychologists, neuroscientists, and educators for altering behavior and educating people, understanding these impacts is very important. This is compounded by the active learning video games usually employ, as these methods also tend to be more effective than passive learning. The published article is free for a limited time if you follow the link given in the source.

Source: SAGE Publications

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