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batch file that displays a list of mapped printers from a remote regis


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Hey guys,


I'm trying to make a batch file that displays a list of mapped printers from a remote registry. The problem is that the registry uses spaces in the names, so the script stops at the spaces. If I put quotes around the names, it still stops at the spaces. Anybody know how I can fix this?





:: Lists globally mapped printers in a remote registry

@echo off
echo Barcode? (With x0)

:: Ask for hostname
set /p Address=
echo %Address%

:: Extract list of print servers and export to C:\Printlist.txt
reg query "\\%Address%\HKLM\software\microsoft\windows nt\currentversion\print\providers\lanman print services\servers" > c:\printlist.txt

:: Loop to get printers from servers specified in C:\printlist.txt
For /F %%i in (C:\printlist.txt) do Call :GetPrinters %%i
Goto End


:: Define string str and make it the first server name in registry
set str=%1

:: Remove HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE from str as the registry key is HKLM instead
set str=%str:HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE=%

:: List printers
reg query "\\%Address%\HKLM%str%\printers"
Goto :EOF


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Okay, I figured this out, in case anyone cares, lol.


I had to change the delim from the default being space to something that isn't in the text file. I used /.

Then, I had to change %1 to %* so that the whole line was captured.


:: Lists globally mapped printers in a remote registry

@echo off
echo Barcode? (With x0)

:: Ask for hostname
set /p Address=
echo %Address%

:: Extract list of print servers and export to C:\Printlist.txt
reg query "\\%Address%\HKLM\software\microsoft\windows nt\currentversion\print\providers\lanman print services\servers" > c:\printlist.txt

:: Loop to get printers from servers specified in C:\printlist.txt
For /f "tokens=* delims=/" %%i in (C:\printlist.txt) do Call :GetPrinters %%i
Goto End


:: Define string str and make it the first server name in registry
set str=%*

:: Remove HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE from str as the registry key is HKLM instead
set str=%str:HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE=%

:: List printers
reg query "\\%Address%\HKLM%str%\printers"
Goto :EOF


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