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Running out of ideas (Photography)


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So, the semester is ending and I have nearly wrapped up my advance photo project. I thought I would share a quick video on how I do things if someone else is interested in trying their hand at it also. I guess the main point of this thread is i'm running out of ideas of things to photograph. If someone has a few ideas that would be awesome.




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The further lens is from the camera the closer it can be for shortest focal distance. So  example: say normally you have to be 5 feet away for the minimal focusing distance. With the Bellow now you can be 1 foot away. 


For the reserve lens, basically when when switch which way the lens is pointing you get a magnification effect because by default, the side that is suppose to face the camera sensor is only an inch away at most.


Add them together and you get a nice big magnification.



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Photography is fun. It's all about the angles...climb a ladder or...rest the lens on the front quarterpanel, and shoot lengthwise...macro photography always produces amazing images bringing into view things we naturally overlook. I have a Voigtlander Prominent II from the mid-1950's purchased in Italy! It's all manual, but very precise. Voigtlander is the oldest camera maker in the world founded in 1756. A few portable lighting fixtures, nothing expensive, makes huge improvements. Setting up for the shot is paramount, then again those random spur of the moment shots can be precious.

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I haven't started leaning macro stuff yet with my dslr. Thanks for clearing that up for me HB. The way I like to shoot pictures is both day and night short and long distance and when I can afford it wide angle.

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send me a PM or skype i'll help you out when it comes time :)


Here is a great book to read Black and White Photography: A Basic Manual Third Revised Edition . It's about 35mm Black and white but a lot of things apply to digital these days. I have been writing my own DSLR book but its only like 30pg so far :( no time.


edit: I guess this guy wrote a digital book too!  Digital Photography: A Basic Manual I haven't read it but I think i'll buying it for my collection.

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