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Borderlands 2 Reviewed


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With the Captain Scarlett DLC somethings I mention in the review have changed. Specifically the missing texture has been replaced and some of the the PhysX fabrics have been changed so now if they are a horizontal, like a cover over an entrance, you no longer fall through them but stand on top of them, like in the first game. Both of these things I mentioned in Graphics & Sound section.


In regards specifically to the DLC, there is one very important issue with the graphics and performance. PhysX appears to either be broken in its implementation or is simply not optimized as having it set to either Medium or High causes the framerate to drop a great deal whenever there are bullets being fired. As this is an FPS, that is obviously quite often. Setting PhysX to Low takes care of that though. (This appears to only be an issue in the DLC and not the base game.)

As far as the actual quality of the DLC, it is top-notch. I have completed one playthrough of it and really enjoyed it. It is massive with some areas too large to be completely visible when you zoom the map out all of the way, and there are many entertaining side missions. If you're looking to expand your Borderlands 2 experience, then you should buy the DLC.

Also, unlike the Borderlands 1 DLCs, the different areas in the Scarlett DLC have fast travel stations, so it is much faster and easier to get around.

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