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Steam Comming to OSX!


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Okay, I think I need to clarify something, when I said people buy consoles, I wasn't trying to say consoles are a bad thing but in my opinion they do pretty much the same thing a mac does, which is charge more for less, I'm not just talking hardware though, I mean as a complete package I think consoles are overpriced, especially the wii and 360, the PS3 is the only console that I have felt was priced appropriately. I'm not sure most people look for in a console but I'm a pc gamer so I pretty much already have something better than a 360 or Wii, the only reason I feel the PS3 is worth my money is because it does have things that would give me a run for my money if I were to try and compete with it using my computer, for example blu-ray. The PS3 is well known for being one of the best entertainment systems out there, it does a lot more than just play video games and I think that's where it really passes the other two consoles by a mile, but like I said, this is stuff I look for in a console, I guess to the average person that doesn't already have something better to game on then the console is the best option. Just wanted to make it clear though that my opinion is based on being a pc gamer.

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