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Guide To Lapping Your Gpu Core


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  • 2 months later...

Small problem I noticed with this review, and a major concern... At the end when you suggest rubbing alcohol to be used to clean it. Did you ever own a Nintendo 8-Bit? Those games were a pain to clean and rubbing alcohol was always the best solution. There was a problem I noticed as the cleaning went on and on. Rubbing alcohol eats the board. This may not be a problem nowadays, but I certainly would never used that stuff on something so expensive. After asking many video game resellers how they clean those games up, I notice they were all saying use a mixture of rubbing alcohol and distilled water, well, thats what hydrogen peroxide basically is. I have been cleaning my old 8-Bit games for over a year now and haven't seen any damage done to them using the H.P. My suggestions to you all, use the other stuff, not the rubbing alcohol. That stuff kills.

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Rubbing alcohol is commonly used to clean a CPU (and even GPUs and memory). I know I've cleaned my CPU at least 300 times with it in the past 2 years, and have absolutly no problems.


Most of the isopropyl alcohol that you buy is 70%, which means 30% is water. It's recomended to use the highest concentrate of isopropyl that you can buy.



The chemical make up of Hydrogen proxoide is closer to water than it is to isopropyl alcohol.

Isopropanol (aka Isopropyl) is ((CH3)2CH OH), where as

Hydrogen Peroxide is H2O2, which is just one more Oxygen molocule than water. It's also a very unstable compound.

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  • 2 months later...

just though i would ask a quick question, n e change for my fx5600 since it has some weird plastic stuff the prevents the gpu from touching the mobo (cept mebbe when compressed). cept mebbe just drag out the sand paper



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