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Why Does There Always Have To Be That "One" Person?


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No matter what place I've worked since I was 15, there ALWAYS has to be one person that just makes everything hard. Nine times out of ten, they are also the biggest kissass as well.



I've been at my new job at the car dealership for 6 weeks. When I had went in for the interviews, and without even talking to the guy, I had already picked out who I knew it was, and I was dead-on. Sadly, the owner and GM both treat him like their golden boy and he can do no wrong. He is consistently their top salesman each month (I do give him credit for that as he IS good), but I hate the 2-faced way he talks down to me. Basically a complete slam delivered in a sweetly wrapped package. In each of the 2 weekly meetings, the manager and owner will use him for their examples of success and how he does things. He responds to both of them by calling them "Sir". The funny thing is I also heard him badmouth them when he thinks nobody can hear him. He'll play nice with me when it benefits him and then badmouths me and doesn't think I figure it out. I may be the "new guy", but I'm not an idiot.


On a side note, I also found out that he has a troubled kind of past, but turned his life around and found God. He wears that costume well by having one of his tabs on his PC open to some bible saying page. Standing in a church doesn't make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car. I give kudos to anyone who can turn things around from bad to good in their life, but don't put the "Christian" costume on and then treat people like crap.



I have a funny feeling the other sales guys don't care for the way he talks to them sometimes either, but they won't say anything as they don't want to rock the boat and upset the golden boy. Each of the other sales guys has been fairly helpful with my training and getting to know me. Even golden boy has been helpful at some points.




Anyone else have a Bosses Pet or a complete PILL they have to work with?

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There, there, you seem to have issues with your colleagues often... you just left your last job for that.


I believe everyone in the forum have seen that situation on their own. The fact that you spend almost

a third of a day at work. Getting over people's attitude is part of your job, since some customers must

want bread and butter for half the price of butter.


I also am not aware of how many people are working with you, but I believe you can discard goldenboy

as much as you can, since you have nothing to gain to even put him at his place. Try to spend most
of your time being around other sales guys. My favorite idiom for this case is that when you spit in the air,

it will fall back on your face.

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You just sound like the classic know it all whine ass that will never be happy. Tons of people like yourself at every job in the world. There are also tons of guys like this other guy that while he may have some issues, he produces. That is all that matters at the end if the day.

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If you focus so much on others you will be miserable at each and every position you hold throughout your life when you work for others. Your opportunity is to either focus on yourself and get past the intricacies of human nature or find a position that enables you to not work with others and still provide the financial incentives to meet your obligations. 


If you are as good as you say let your performance speak for itself and let all the rest of it wash around you. Once you are embroiled in the office politics as we so often are you reduce your effectiveness at your assigned task and spend more time worrying about what you cannot control.


Not to chop you down but these are things I see when i read your other thread and now this one.  

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Most of my 2nd reply disappeared... what I had said was that my training involves having to learn from my coworkers, so it's not like I can avoid the issue. Once i'm trained in, it'll be easier to avoid.


As for my job history, I actually get along with 95% of my coworkers and even my reviews always reflected that. It's just usually one that ends up being the turd in the punchbowl.



for Bubba, you obviously don't know me. I'm actually pretty upbeat and positive and it takes a LOT to get to me. One of my favorite bosses once said You deal with that person for 2 minutes out of your life and they have to live with themselves... who's worse off? I've always carried that with me.

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Yep, just keep your cool and things will be alright. Just think, how important will this moment be in a week or a year, how mad will I be then? I'll probably feel silly if I make a big deal out of nothing so it's best to just shrug it off.

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